Dedicated to process and personal development in putting together my 2011 Senior Show.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Artist Statement-Final
Kassey Pass ‘11_Graphic Design
Unraveling Expectations
So much has changed in my surroundings and also within me, yet one element in particular remains unchanged, has persisted throughout, and links the present to my past—and that is the impulsive desire to see potential in all materials made available. Since I have acquired a sophistication in design methodologies and a greater understanding of my role as an artist, education has monumentally advanced my childhood art endeavors of popsicle sticks, construction paper, and endless hot glue. However, because my art has developed from its rudimentary beginnings, I feel that a sense of uninhibited freedom and innocent inventiveness has been lost.
Unraveling Expectations is a visual manifesto that links the unrepressed imagination of childhood to the sophisticated technical and exponential experiences of an adult. Using yarn as line, fabric patches as shape and pattern, and construction paper as color, I mimic the fundamental art systems instilled in me as a child. Concurrently, the textural malleability of these materials speaks to my impetuous childlike desire to create things. While in a gallery setting which addresses a conceptual maturity of the art, certain elements are meant to appeal to children through bright colors, soft materials, and a low-mounted monitor. Within this digital narrative, materials, patterns, and textures are captured and manipulated, conveying a fluid deconstruction and reconstruction which alludes to my evolution.